Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Scientific Me Presentations

Today we continued to share our Science autobiographies and our blogs with the class. I finally presented and although I was very nervous I got very good feedback from my peers. Everyone said that I seemed very confident in my presentation but I actually was shaking the whole time. Any little bit of nervous energy and I shake A LOT! This is something I hope will disappear over time. Anyways, I need to work on saying "um" and "stuff" less. I also need to work on keeping my hands on my sides instead of playing with my necklace while talking (I think I did this because I was a little nervous). I like the idea that Dr. Smirnova used which was writing three positive comments and one wish. By doing this it allows each of us to develop as speakers and future teachers. It shows us what we did do well and what we can also improve on. This is a great idea to use in a classroom. We did a similar activity last semester in my English Methods class. The 4th grade class we worked with peer edited each others work and then also wrote on a post-it note, something they liked about their peer's work and something that they would change (grammatically) or an idea to add to their writing. This was a great idea because children need to learn to hear and also share positive thoughts as well as help each other to become better versions of there selves. I will definitely be using this technique in my future classroom!

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