Thursday, March 10, 2016

Science Fair!
For my science fair project I decided to conduct an experiment on popcorn. I had a hard time figuring out ideas for my science fair project so I resorted to technology to help me out! I found several ideas on Pinterest and I decided on the popcorn experiment. Off to the store I went to buy three different brands of popcorn. When I came home I popped all the bags of popcorn... 9 bags my gosh! Each trial, I increased the amount of pop-time for the popcorn. Of coarse I made sure that all of the popcorn bags were the same amount of butter to make this experiment as accurate a possible. After each trial I counted the amount of popcorn kernels that were uncooked.  I then averaged the three trials per brand together to get an average amount of un-popped popcorn kernels. In conclusion I found out that ACT II had the least amount of un-popped kernels and Jolly Time brand had the most amount of un-popped kernels. The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the various types o popcorn and to compare each brand, based on the amount of time that the popcorn was popped. The ultimate goal was to figure out which brand of popcorn had the least amount of un-popped kernels by the end of the experiment. My hypothesis state that Pop-secret would have the least amount of unpopped kernels but I found my hypothesis to be very incorrect! Overall I had a great time making this project. It was exciting to be back into an elementary school setting and participate in event just like when I was younger. I never did a science fair project when I was in school, so it was interesting to finally be part of the science fair after all these years! I definitely wish that I had time to stay longer to walk around and see everyone's projects!

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