Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Inquiry Skills!

Their are 12 skills of inquiry. First of all is observing. Observing includes using the senses to obtain information, or data, about objects and events. Observers must take an active role. Second is using space/time relationships. Space/time relationships are all objects that occupy a place in space. The next inquiry skill is using numbers. Numbers are needed to manipulate measurements, order objects and classify objects. Next is questioning. Questioning is something that you can find the answers to by doing research about a topic, based on a hypothesis. The fifth inquiry skill is classifying. Classifying is the process that scientists use to improve data and research. Communicating is clear and precise and is essential to all human endeavors and fundamental to all scientific work, which makes communicating skills valuable. Inferring is defined as using logic to make assumptions fro what we observe and question. Inference is an assumption based on an observation. Hypothesizing is a proposed relationship put forth to explain a phenomenon. Next, measuring is the process of assigning numbers to individuals according to specified rules. It is the way that observations are quantified. It has three requirements. One, it requires the ability to use measuring instruments properly. Two, it is the ability to carry out calculations using the instruments. Third, it is the judgment to decide with instrument/measuring tool or unit to use. When students acquire these skills, they will learn to measure length, are volume, mass, temperature etc. Number ten is predicting. Predictions are based on observations, measurements, an inferences about relationships between variables. Identifying variables are variables that factors that can make a difference in an investigation. The prediction is the basis for an experiment. An independent variable is the variable that is being tested. Dependent variables are the change that is measured. The control is all the other factors that are kept the same. Finally, the last skill of inquiry is designing experimental controls. Interpreting data involves finding patterns and trends based on the data collected in an investigation. Defining operationally is when students define terms in the context of their own experiences.

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