Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Virtual Classroom: A+

I will admit, I was very opposed to a virtual class. I have heard educators talk about teaching via Skype or virtually online. BUT!!! you should never knock something until you try it. Tuesday (February 16, 2016), due to the snow/ice conditions, Dr. Smirnova held class online. At first I thought I would hate it, but a few minutes into it I realized it was awesome. I was in the comfort of my own space. I was able to listen to class in comfort while eating my lunch! It can't get much better than that! Okay, there are some flaws to online class: connection problems, not everyone having a webcam/microphone and the full interaction you get when you go to class. Overall, I really enjoyed the virtual class, and for those students who missed class...shame on you, because you really missed out on a worthwhile experience and you missed valuable information from class.

I am so glad we went over the part of the lesson plans and also the types of instruction again, especially because my group will be teaching next week! I am nervous for our first lesson next Thursday but I am sure that we will be well prepared to teach and our whole lesson plan will come together.

Overall, I really enjoyed the online class! I have never use adobeconnect and I am glad I learned how to use it. It is a great tool to connect and talk with others even if they do not have a webcam or microphone because they can just write their comments and hear what others are saying.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Becoming A Successful Teacher

Being a successful teacher requires preparation, knowledge, flexibility, compassion and an understanding of student’s needs as well as an ability to use a variety of teaching styles within the classroom. I had a lot of trouble categorizing these items because to me each of these are equally important in a classroom and should not take precedence over one another. If one becomes more important than the others may suffer so it is extremely important to use all of these categories in an equal manner. However, the two categories that I feel are extremely important are understanding the student’s strengths and weaknesses and being able to utilize a variety of teaching styles. Each student varies in their abilities, there type of learning and in their effort. While one student might struggle with math, another may excel. However, if when you teach you only address the students that do well with science, the struggling students will fall further and further back.

In addition, if you only address the students who are struggling, then the students who are excelling will be bored and held back from further learning. Each student is unique in their strengths and weaknesses because each student is different. As a teacher, it is important to address EVERY student in the classroom. There should always be work of varying levels such as additional complex work that challenges the students who are excelling in the subject, and simpler work for students who are struggling, as well as extra help offered. It is almost impossible to have each student be on the same level in a subject so it is crucial to provide the appropriate material for varying abilities. In addition, using a variety of teaching styles can reach all different types of learners. I have worked with students that learn from reading, ones that learn from watching, and with others that learn the best with hands-on experiences. If you somehow incorporate different learning styles into your instruction of a lesson, it can help ensure that the majority of the students will be taught in the way they learn best. This will maximize the success of the student’s learning and will include all different students.
Another important category is preparation. Preparation is so important because if the teacher is not prepared, how can they expect the student to be prepared. The teacher should be ready for the day or week and know what will be taught and how in order to help the students. If a teacher is unorganized or unprepared then a chaotic atmosphere develops in the classroom. This wouldn’t be good because the students wouldn’t know that to do or when to do it, and if the teacher doesn’t either than time can be wasted when students should really be learning. The next category is flexibility. Flexibility and Adaptability in the classroom are two important qualities that every teacher must possess. As a teacher is important to be flexible and to know that your plans can change very quickly, sometimes with notice and sometimes without. No one can predict the day in a classroom because you can’t predict what 20 something students may do or act that day. Things change on the spot in the classroom and a teacher needs to be able to adjust to those changes and work with them at any time. If you’re not able to accommodate and adjust to changes than it may become hard to give students a learning experience that they deserve. There is only so much you can prepare, but you

need to always account for any changes or altercations and be able to work with them to accommodate the class.  Finally the last two are compassion and knowledge. Compassion is important because students need this as an important foundation with a teacher especially when they are younger. Let’s face it, no one ever liked the teacher who wasn’t sympathetic or considerate in situations. Being compassionate can help develop a closer student-teacher relationship. I feel that students always do better in classes when they feel as if they can go to their teacher for questions or help and if the teacher is understanding. Students won’t approach for help if the teacher is not kind and compassionate. Finally the last important category is knowledge. It is vital for teachers to have knowledge in the concepts and lessons they are teaching because if they are not knowledgeable they might be teaching the students the wrong information. In addition, if the students ask questions, the teacher should be able to answer them without researching. The more knowledge that the teacher has about the topic, the more it will reflect on his/her teaching and in addition the students will learn more. Also, students can detect confidence and teachers should present the information to the students will full confidence to give them a better platform for learning.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

And Fieldwork Begins...

Today was the first day of fieldwork for group one! Group one conducted a direct lesson. Overall the group did very well. Their presentation focused on biomes and the ecosystem. Watching today's class definitely makes me very nervous to teach. I hope that our group doesn't run out of time like this group did and I also hope that we teach long enough! One really hard part about planning lessons is time management. It is almost impossible to predict exactly how long the lesson will take because glitches and questions may come up that can cause the lesson to take longer. On the other hand the group can work too fast and the lesson can end too quickly. I think that I will suggest that my group has an extra piece just in case we end too early. An important part of this fieldwork experience is bettering ourselves. From watching group one today I learned some useful techniques such as hand signals for attention. One thing I did notice was that the group's slideshow was very hard to see.
I would have used more contrasting colors and will make sure to do so in my own powerpoint when I teach. Overall they showed a lot of confidence and spoke clear and loud to the class. They also were very knowledgeable about their topic and you could tell that they put a great amount of time and hard work into their lesson. I wish I just got to see their plans for the guided practice! Hopefully on Thursday :) 

Here is the link to my observations of direct instruction of group 1!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Scientific Me Presentations

Today we continued to share our Science autobiographies and our blogs with the class. I finally presented and although I was very nervous I got very good feedback from my peers. Everyone said that I seemed very confident in my presentation but I actually was shaking the whole time. Any little bit of nervous energy and I shake A LOT! This is something I hope will disappear over time. Anyways, I need to work on saying "um" and "stuff" less. I also need to work on keeping my hands on my sides instead of playing with my necklace while talking (I think I did this because I was a little nervous). I like the idea that Dr. Smirnova used which was writing three positive comments and one wish. By doing this it allows each of us to develop as speakers and future teachers. It shows us what we did do well and what we can also improve on. This is a great idea to use in a classroom. We did a similar activity last semester in my English Methods class. The 4th grade class we worked with peer edited each others work and then also wrote on a post-it note, something they liked about their peer's work and something that they would change (grammatically) or an idea to add to their writing. This was a great idea because children need to learn to hear and also share positive thoughts as well as help each other to become better versions of there selves. I will definitely be using this technique in my future classroom!