Friday, April 1, 2016

My Inspiration and My Passion

Teaching is not only my future career; it also my passion and my dream. As a child, I was always intrigued by the thought of being a teacher. I grew up playing “school” with my older sister. We had a chalkboard in our room, gradebooks made from old binders, notebooks and even old textbooks that were given to us throughout the years. My sister and I would set up desks and take turns administering spelling quizzes and homework but also teaching each other. As I grew up I was constantly surrounded by influential teachers that made learning engaging and exciting. They all encouraged me to try my hardest, but most of all they provided an important foundation for me to enjoy school. It is memories like these that have imprinted my heart and influenced my decision to become a teacher. I want to be the teacher that finds a way to make students love school. In addition, I also love children. Children are filled with a type of innocence and endless abilities. Teachers can help uncover and unleash these abilities and steer the future of children to become successful. Most of all, I want to be a teacher that makes a difference in my students’ lives, just like many of my teachers have done for me.

Elementary school was especially memorable for me. In second grade, students become increasingly aware of their surroundings and begin to find out what school is truly about. They learn competition, further develop friendships and relationships with their surroundings. By observation, I find that most children truly fall in love with learning in second grade. For me, this was extremely true. In second grade, I met one of my favorite teachers. This teacher has forever changed my life and is the type of teacher I strive to be one day. My second grade teacher, Mr. Donovan, was a new teacher that was full of enthusiasm and positive vibes. He was so passionate about helping each student succeed and he taught in a way that was so exciting, most of us didn’t realize how much we were learning. He created a classroom environment that was fun and lively, and also an environment where each student felt comfortable. Every day in his classroom was an ongoing adventure of learning. During book read-alouds, he would assign character roles and each character would read and act out their parts on the top of a table, with the main lights off and theatre lights shining on us. For once, I actually wanted to read and participate in class. He helped bring out my shyness and encouraged me to take on many of my fears. He helped me realize that I was capable of so much and that most of all, school is not bad, it can be fun if you have the right teacher and the right lessons.

Overall, all of my experiences have shaped me to be the person I am today. I want to be a teacher so I can inspire little minds, and encourage learners to be the best they can be. Elementary school is the foundation of a child’s life and to me, it has the most impact on each child’s view of their capabilities and their learning. It bothers me to hear children hate school and hate their teacher. I will work every single day to make my classroom filled with smiles and happiness. I have worked with children for 6 years and I wouldn’t trade one second for the world. There is nothing more I dream of being one day.

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