Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Science Autobiography

In my first essay for this class I reflected and shared my favorite Science experiences and memories. I have loved science since I was younger and still do. I am excited to see what this Semester will bring! My Science autobiography discusses what science means to me.
Science is the observation, experimentation, exploration, identification and explanation of the world around us. I chose this definition because science is characterized by questioning, researching and then identifying. It usually includes an explanation of your decision. Science is very broad, and includes several topics within it. However most science applies to our world. My past experiences have made me love science. Looking back i have use all parts of my definition in my best science experiences!
Overall science has always been one of my favorite subjects. Although this class will be challenging I look forward to learning about ecosystems and in turn teaching to the 5th grade. I have never taught at Bishop Dunn so this will be a scary but exciting experience. I also look forward to making my science fair project. I did some research and found some awesome ideas. I am intrigued to get to know the students and to test my abilities. I am nervous about the feedback but I hope that it will help me to better myself and to improve my teaching abilities.


Hello my name is Professor Wilbur!

IMG_5050.JPGOn our first day of class we got to use some creativity and were asked to draw a scientist working. I created my scientist and named him Professor Wilbur. I chose this name because it reminded me of a great science teacher from my middle school whose name was Mr.Wilber. When I think of a scientist, for some reason I always think of a man with crazy hair and glasses. While walking around the classroom I realized that most of the class thought of the same thing when creating their scientists. In addition to my drawing, most students also included some kind of flask or test tube in their drawings. In addition many of my classmates also used Professor or Doctor to name their scientists just like me! This shows how scientists are viewed by most people. Most people think of a crazy haired, nerdy man with overflowing test tubes which is really not true. Everyone can be, and is a scientist. Students also need to learn that the nerdy kid in the class isn't the only one that can be a scientist and that the type of person you are and your capabilities should not be decided on ones appearance.
I really enjoyed this activity! I loved that we were able to use our creativity to create what we wanted but also had the opportunity to compare it to other classmates and converse about the similarities. This could also be an interesting activity to try in the classroom!